Fiktionale Immersion, (ed.) Christiane Voss , exh. cat. montage AV (2008)

»film events are genuinely unreal, or have their own reality.«
»reality check making rational explanations for the presumption that something exists superfluous.«
»causal and logical probabilities as well as the narrative coherence of anticipated sequences of action«
»in a feature film [and not only there, author’s note] to easily combine intellectual and affective qualities.«
»awareness of the ‘madeness’ of things which is only compatible with fictional immersion when the appropriate processes remain sufficiently subtle.«
»overpowering reading«

 author = {Voss, Christiane},
 year = {2008},
 title = {Fiktionale Immersion},
 pages = {70},
 volume = {17},
 number = {2},
 journal = {montage AV}
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